You Have Bad Ideas Because You Don't Control Your Environment

For my entire life, I’ve been self-conscious about my forehead.

Whenever I could, I would hide it with my hair.

• Low confidence
• Low self-esteem
• Low sense of wellbeing

Even after years into my self-improvement journey, I still felt insecure about it.

During my time in school, people mentioned it.

When I looked in the mirror, it stood out like a sore thumb.

That stuck with me for years outside of my school experience.

So I decided to say “fuck it.”

I shaved my head.

And it was the best decision I ever made.

It increased my confidence, content quality, and put me on a better path in life. All because I stopped caring about what others might think.

(This will relate to idea generation soon... Keep reading)

You know it’s not right

You feel bad because your future self is watching your every move, but he doesn’t like what he sees.

You know there is more.

You know you shouldn’t procrastinate.

You know you shouldn’t be binging that TV series.

Yet you still do it because your identity has merged with that action over the years of doing it.

This destroys any possibility of mental well-being.

And mental well-being affects the quality of your thoughts (hence your ideas)

Confidence is created when you trust yourself to be in an unknown situation. When you become comfortable, with the uncomfortable.

That’s where the magic happens.

• Doing the things you don’t want to do
• Doing the things that you don’t usually do
• Doing the things that seem too hard to do

In other words, expanding your library of experiences.

AKA: expanding your own perception of “self”.

How you perceive yourself is defined by what occupies your mental estate. Your mental estate is the structure of your mind. (thoughts, beliefs, sense of self, memories, knowledge, skills...)

Everything you have ever heard or experienced.

All coming together, to form you.

An infinitely complex web of beliefs and ideas, all intertwined, reinforcing each other to create a sense of "self".

Why does this matter to you?

Because what you allow to enter this mental estate, defines how you perceive yourself. Affecting your entire life.

• The news
• Social Media
• Your family/friends

You let them in without question. Occupying your mental real estate.

• Your content
• Your wellbeing
• Your mental health

Depends on the quality of that same mental estate (and what occupies it)

Imagine this:

You live in a fine estate, gold plates, nice cutlery, you have a fancy life, nice cars in the garage, a butler… Your identity would bind to that, and be a result of that estate.

But if that estate was broken down. Full of hoboes, crackheads, and broken windows… You would bind to that, and live in a shitty mood 24/7.

Think of these metaphorically.

Not physically.

Your mind is one of these estates. Or one of the levels in between both extremes.

When you consume a piece of media, you allow those ideas to come in. Those ideas are either low-quality (crackheads) or high-quality (a beautiful girl in a red dress).

The moment you pay any conscious attention to an idea, then it has set foot in the door. And once that happens… It's extremely difficult to remove.

Do you see the importance of this?

It’s the root cause of:

• Low confidence
• Low self-esteem
• Low content quality

Your entire life depends on the quality of this mental estate.

Hence the danger of cheap dopamine.

Cheap dopamine content pollutes your mental estate and transforms it into a clown house.

It becomes part of you.

“If you don’t protect your mental real estate at all costs, your idea bank will be drained and you’ll think that’s your ‘normal’ state of being.” - Euan

Content is the solution

Creating content is how you crystalize ideas in your mind.

It is a vessel of expansion for your thoughts.

• Research
• Writing
• Recording

To be a content creator, you have to be a “reality explorer”.

You leave your mental estate, go into the world (the unknown), find relevant ideas, and bring them back to build the estate you dream of.

By being a content creator, you get to monitor what occupies your mental estate.

In other words, you get a metaphorical bodyguard.

This not only increases your confidence but also your enjoyment of life.

Content = information (foundation of life)

Creation = to bring into existence

Everyone is a content creator. Some just choose to do it with intention and get paid to do so, in a place called the internet where physical boundaries don’t limit your reach and potential.

— Dan Koe

Imagine this:

You wake up in the morning, walk onto your balcony, and don’t have to go to work. Your work is your mind.

You go on a nice walk, pop a podcast in your ears (on a topic you love), and learn more about your passion.

You go home, expand on those ideas, and create content in any form around them. That same content goes to help hundreds or thousands of people to learn about their passion, from you.

Once those hundreds of people learn, they go teach it in their voice.

Spreading to millions of people. Without you realizing it.

Your ideas have more impact than you can imagine.

One well-thought-out piece of content can affect the entire state of the world. Maybe not instantly, but as your ideas spread, people change. Affecting the behavior of society.

This is where fulfillment comes from.

Helping others advance to where you are, but faster.

Timespans birth confidence

"I won't be able to make it"


But isn't the result worth a shot?

• Live from passion
• Manage your own schedule
• Help others actualize their purpose

Let's say this outcome you desire took 2 times longer than expected. Would it not still be worth it?

Long-term thinking combined with short-term action, births confidence in your ability to succeed.

You aren’t happy because you take action too seriously.

Indeed, it’s important.

You can't get results without it.

But you are playing the wrong game. You see it as a drag.

“Life is a game, and it’s much more fun if you play it as your own game, so stay light and loose and relaxed.” ~ Bill Murray

I see this too often.

Someone manages to go full-time as a digital creator.

But doesn't enjoy what he does.


Without realizing it, they’ve built themselves a new 9-5 job.

• They chased the money.
• They didn’t think long-term.
• They didn’t listen to their curiosity.

Letting the wrong ideas occupy their mental real estate.

Expectations define your enjoyment of a situation.

If you expect such a big outcome in only 5 months, you’ll be stressed, anxious, and overwhelmed.

If you expect it in 5 years, you’ll plan, act, and feel according to that.

This doesn’t mean you can’t reach your goal before the set time, but it does mean you will feel better, and act according to what you truly want to do.

Hence building the life you want to live.

I wrote an entire article on setting correct expectations. I highly recommend you read it after this one. It dovetails nicely.​

Start without knowing how to start.

You hate yourself. You think you’re worth nothing. Then you enter a downward spiral of negative ideas and emotions because you bind your identity to non-action.

Procrastination makes you feel like shit.

This is what I mean by short-term action when I say:

“Long-term thinking combined with short-term action, births confidence in your ability to succeed.”

Planning long-term gives you time to make it work.

Creating the confidence I mentioned.

But then you must act short-term to encounter the initial roadblocks.

Building the life of your dreams is how you start to chip away at the infinite love the universe has to offer. Something magical happens when you align your actions and decisions with the pull of life we like to call “curiosity”.

You are in 2nd or 3rd gear.

You aren’t giving it your all.

And you know it.

But you fear going “all in”.

AKA: You fear the consequences.

To live the good life and be aligned with the life you want to live, there is no other option than to throw yourself into the unknown.

You have to break the fear of “what ifs”.

95% of what you think you care about, doesn’t matter.

At the end of the day, the alternative to “failing”, is staying where you are.

There is no true consequence.

If you fail, you go back to living the “average life” that you are living anyway. What else is there to do but attempt to build the life of your dreams?

I’m serious here.


Fear of outcome goes down = Quality goes up

The less you fear outcomes, the better.

The quality of your mental estate goes up.

You fill it with the things you want to fill it with.

This affects:

• The quality of your content
• The quality of your confidence
• The quality of your mental health

You put more effort into what you do, as you do it not to impress, but for the fun of doing your best.

You focus on inputs, not outputs.

Quality instead of results.

But funnily enough, this results, in more results.

This is where extreme confidence is birthed. You live on your own terms. Not on the terms set by the external world.

You don’t care what people think.

And that puts you ahead of 99% of the world's population.

People are stuck in a mental loop of: “But what is Serra going to think about this?!”

Who cares about Serra?

If you want to make a change because you think your life will be better behind that change, then why are you not doing everything in your power to make that change happen?!

No matter the “consequences” (that don’t exist anyway)

Let’s say it doesn’t work out.

Will you care about it on your deathbed? at 93 years old?

Or will you think “I’m damn glad I tried. I’m damn glad I pursued the life I wanted to pursue”.

Living your passion isn't something you need to wait to achieve.

You can do it right now.

Living your passion is the simple fact of pursuing what you want to pursue. Without caring about outcomes.

No one is better than you

Not a single soul.

I don’t mean this in an egotistical way.

But in a literal way. All humans are born equal.

The big creator, the successful entrepreneur, the famous singer. They are no different than you. All they did was succeed in one more area than you have.

We all have 24h in a day.
We all have limited mental capacity.
We all have access to the same opportunities.

All you need to build your dream life is a computer and an internet connection.

The rest is up to you.

All the successful entrepreneurs did was make a series of correct decisions that led to the life they wanted to live.

That’s all.

Nobody is better than you.

“Fuck’em all, I’ll do it myself”

I’ve found the greatest way to win in all domains, is to get shit done yourself.

• A hater
• A toxic friend
• A old life partner

If somebody isn’t on your wavelength, just don’t bother.

People will tell you it isn't possible.
They'll make it seem as if you are crazy.

Get into the mentality of living on your own terms.

The “fuck’em all” mentality.

It might sound harsh, but it's necessary to cut out the noise.

Developing the correct attitude

I’ll give you a step-by-step process to reinvent yourself and create a character you can be proud of.

Something you come to realize is that you have control over your identity. While most people think they are set in stone. That isn't true.

All your identity is, is a mental estate. Filled with thoughts, ideas, beliefs, and experiences… You have control over those. They are in your mind.

Think of Kobe Bryan with “The Black Mamba”

He created a character to DESTROY anyone who set foot on the court.

1. Realize The Infinite Game

Stop playing this game thinking it has an end result.

By this game, I mean life.

Because it is exactly that… A game.

An infinite game is a game that has no direction. You have the freedom and ability to go wherever you want.

But most get lost in petty subsets of this infinite game.

AKA: Goals/Desires

Goals are not the entire game.

They are a subset of quests and missions alongside the infinite game. They bring clarity and direction.

Take this bamboo for example…

Imagine each dark green bamboo spread out in infinite directions, in infinite length. That’s reality for you.

If you don’t set temporary goals to give direction in this infinite game (light green), you’ll get confused, irretated, and end up quitting.

Check out my previous letter: [How To Deal With Lack Of Results (Reprogram Your Mind For Success)]. If you want to know more about this infinite game.

2. Analyze The Game

If you haven’t realized yet, everything is mindset.

There are no limits but the limits you self-impose onto yourself.

Identify the situation that requires an upgraded version of you.

Some big task/action that you want new energy in:

• Writing
• Workout
• Recording
• Performing Live

You get the point.

Write these down on a piece of paper (yes right now).

I can’t do this for you, only you know your life.

3. Character Selection Screen

Back to our video game analogy...

You are now on the character selection screen.

Here's where you define the traits:

• Mentality
• Strengths
• Weaknesses
• Interactions
• Intonation

Anything you can think of that would help you perform better. Go into the details here. Don't hold back.

4. Play The Game

As with all good things in life, this doesn’t come easy.

It takes time, reps, and effort to nail down.

But it’s so worth it.

Focus on entering this headspace every time you do your task.

Over time, you’ll get better & better at entering this ideal character.

When a decision comes up in your domain, think: “What would my ideal character do”.

This is how you act with intention. Create your ideal reality.

That's a wrap for today.

Thanks for reading… As usual - I love you!


P.S. I've studied human-performance and life purpose for 4+ years. So I decided to merge everything I learned with 1+ year of knowledge in branding and content.

This birthed: "Purpose-Based Branding"

A revolutionary process that finds you core values, strengths, and purpose, then applies this to your brand so you can write content that has deep intrinsic meaning to you (and brings you $$$ in a fulfilling way)

Send me a DM on X @EuanSpencer00 saying "PurposeBrand" if you want to know more.