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- How to force your brain to crave doing hard things
How to force your brain to crave doing hard things
Send procrastination back to the realm of productivity hell
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beep beep beep beep beep
beep beep beep beep beep
“Wow… 12pm already?!”
How did I expect to get any results when I couldn’t even stay consistent with waking up?
The short answer is I didn't wanna work.
I didn't want to write tweets, or my newsletter, or my product.
Laying in bed all day to watch Netflix was SOOOOO tempting (some days that's what I did hahaha).
To get to my point... I LOVE my life now. I wake up excited, look forward to my day, and even want to get work done. And this mostly happened the moment I recognized one pattern in my life (I guarantee it’ll have the same effect on your life when you see it).
You focus on starting, instead of started.
Nobody hates their work when they've pushed through the initial phase of struggle to get through to the golden gates of flow.
They simply don't.
It's like riding a bike but on a smaller time frame... You hate it, you fall, you pick yourself back up, you go again. Until one day, you're rolling, and you're rolling at speeds you didn't even know possible.
The same happens with your work.
But instead of months of falling from your bike, it's only about 5 minutes.
If you focus on the feeling of pedaling super fast with ease (working in flow), you'll want to get on your bike AND MF PEDAL!
But if you focus on the falling?
You simply won't.
You may wonder, what if you've never experienced flow?
Maybe you're just getting started, and have no reference point to focus your attention toward.
Then what?
That's where non-half-assness comes into play.
i.e. actually try.
If you haven't experienced flow, you haven't pushed yourself past the uphill battle, you've stayed there wondering what's at the top of the mountain instead of going to see for yourself. Whatever your work is, don't avoid it, face it and do it better. Don't try and do it, just do it.
I can almost guarantee the moment you focus on being better you won't dread starting so much.
And remember... Focus on started, not starting.
Use pedaling with ease as your reference point… And when you lose focus? Bring your attention back to it.
Speaking of pedaling with ease, being a full-time creator becomes 100x easier when you have a purpose to back your brand.
“He who has a strong enough why can bear almost any how”
I’ll drop some juice in tomorrow’s email about this.
But before that, I’m curious to hear what your thoughts are on Purpose. Do you have one? Or are you just floating through the void of creation?
If you do, send an email over, I’d love to hear it.
If you don’t, I’d love to help you find it ;)
It’s by far the one single thing that allowed me to go full-time online as a creator, writing about what I love, day in and day out.
Anyway, speak soon.
As usual - I love you,