3 Core lesson that made $6.4k in 12 days

While writing about what I love

I've been creating content online for nearly 15 months now.

6 of those got me no results.

Not a dime to show.

But the other 9?

- I attracted 2.4k followers
- I became a full-time creator
- Had multiple successful launches

This last cohort even made $6.4k in only 12 days of promo (which is my new record wooooo)

Anyway, I don't say this to brag.

I say it because there are a few key lessons on my journey that have been fundamental shifting points to getting these results.

And I truly believe that you'll get similar results if you apply them.

So here are the 3 biggest lessons I've learned about writing, growing, and monetizing on X:

1. It’s not about reading. It’s about feeling.

This first rule is my favorite.

Look back to the last book you read... What do you remember?

The exact words? Or the emotional shift?

Now do the same for your favorite movie. Or your favorite creator. Or anything else in your life.

All major events happen as a results of an emotional shift that affected the way you perceive reality (leading to a new choice).

Without emotional shifts, there are no new choices.

No new choices?

Same old, boring results.

Now... This also applies to your content.

You want to make people FEEL something when reading. And you don't do that by simply calling out pain points. You do it by painting pictures.

Show them a vision.

Bring them into a future reality.

Make them see themselves in your words.

And the best way you can do that?

"What impact do you want to make on society"

People want to support leaders. Give them a reason to see you as one. Show them you're here for a reason.

Imagine this right...

It's 20 years down the line, you wake up with your beautiful wife by your side, you hear your kids playing outisde and feel the warmth of the sun shining down onto the bed sheets.

You get up, and walk to the kitchen.

Pour that lil' cup of Joe.

When opening your laptop you remember how you never need to worry about money again. That put's a smile on your face.

And then you remember how you got there...

That's when it truly hits.

The fulfillment.

You didn't scam anyone. You got there by changing the lives of million. You started a movement that advanced humanity in the most positive of ways.

All of that, while simply doing something you loved.

That's the power of Impact.

It's in your hands.

A makreting technique. A growth strategy. AND a life-enjoyment booster.

All in one.

2. What's the bottleneck?

If you've been working hard for 3+ months, but made no progress?

That's on you.

Don't feel guilty.

Learn from it.

Turn past experience into wisdom.

Forget everything you've been told about making progress. All you need is to ask "what's the bottleneck".

There's ALWAYS that one thing you need to focus on.

Sure there's "maintaining tasks", but I'm talking about deep work here.

If you're doing 10 things at once, no wonder you ain't growing.

Find the roadblock. Build a solution. Find the next.

Once you have?

Repeat the process.

3. Choose your own game

For those 6 months where I made no money, I listened to everyone around me.

I took ALL their advice.

- Get on a networking call every day
- Comment on 100 posts minimum
- Send 100 cold DM's a day

Sure, it helped a bit.

I was growing, I had more engagement, I knew more people.

But the moment I slowed down?

I lost 70% of that engagement.

Because instead of learning how to generate engagement with my content and writing, I built it all through effort.

Instead of building an audience of true fans and readers...

I simply built a group of friends.

Now, I'm not saying you shouldn't make friends (you really should)

But learn to attract people without you needing to make the first step. Build true fans. Create a compounding audience.

You do that by playing your own game.

People want novelty.

Show them what you're playing.

I do this through putting my purpose and mission forward as often as possible... And this brings in:

- Daily inbounds
- True fans
- People who want to buy

Again, as I said in lesson 1:

Give people a reason to support and they will.

Thanks for reading!

As usual - I love you,


P.S. Keep an eye out for an announcement coming pretty soon ;)